Russiaone month ago
Ukraine launches drone strikes on Russia's energy sites
Ukraine carries out airstrikes on oil facilities in western Russia using attack drones.
Ukraine launches drone strikes on Russia's energy sites
Chinaone month ago
Germany's Scholz seeks collaboration with China in 'just peace' in Ukraine
The German chancellor has hoped for cooperation between Berlin and Beijing towards a "just peace" in Ukraine.
Germany's Scholz seeks collaboration with China in 'just peace' in Ukraine
Politicsone month ago
Former minister says UK should consider sending troops to Ukraine
UK’s former armed forces minister James Heappey has suggested that Britain should consider sending troops to Ukraine to give training and other support to Ukrainian forces in the war with Russia - though away from the frontline.
Former minister says UK should consider sending troops to Ukraine
Russiaone month ago
Kremlin: Russia-NATO ties ‘have slipped to level of direct confrontation’
The Kremlin spokesman told reporters NATO was already involved in the conflict surrounding Ukraine.
Kremlin: Russia-NATO ties ‘have slipped to level of direct confrontation’
More2 months ago
Without US military aid, Ukraine has to retreat, Zelensky warns
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that if Ukraine fails to receive the US military aid promised but currently blocked due to Congressional disputes, it will be forced to retreat gradually.
Without US military aid, Ukraine has to retreat, Zelensky warns
France2 months ago
France to 'make sure Russia never wins Ukraine war': Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron does not rule out the possibility of deploying Western troops in Ukraine.
France to 'make sure Russia never wins Ukraine war': Macron
Politics2 months ago
Russia deploys ‘game changer’ weapon as US says Ukraine’s ammo shortage costs dearly
Russia’s air force has started deploying powerful aerial bombs as the United States laments ammunition shortages in Ukraine.
Russia deploys ‘game changer’ weapon as US says Ukraine’s ammo shortage costs dearly
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