United States
Palestine3 months ago
Biden admin. airdrops aid over Gaza while aiding, abetting Israeli genocide
For past five months, US has fully backed the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, supplying it with money and weapons. Now it is airdropping aid for Palestinians in Gaza.
Biden admin. airdrops aid over Gaza while aiding, abetting Israeli genocide
Iraq4 months ago
Iraqi resistance strikes back at US after American aerial assaults
Iraq's Islamic Resistance conducts a raft of strikes against American targets in the Arab country and neighboring Syria after a flurry of US aerial assaults.
Iraqi resistance strikes back at US after American aerial assaults
Foreign Policy6 months ago
US claims it foiled Indian plot to kill Sikh separatist leader
The United States has said it foiled an alleged Indian plot to assassinate an American-Canadian citizen in New York.
US claims it foiled Indian plot to kill Sikh separatist leader
Palestine7 months ago
US rights group sues Biden for 'failure to prevent Gaza genocide'
A federal complaint is filed against US President Joe Biden for failing to ‘prevent an unfolding genocide and complicity in its development.’
US rights group sues Biden for 'failure to prevent Gaza genocide'
Palestine7 months ago
US complicity in Israeli atrocities
The Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution says the US is definitely complicit in the Israeli regime's brutal aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip.
US complicity in Israeli atrocities
Koreas8 months ago
North Korea slams US for exacerbating tensions with ‘nuclear supremacy’
Pyongyang’s nuclear program is a self-defensive measure to preempt a nuclear war in light of the United States’ pursuit of “nuclear supremacy,” according to North Korean media.
North Korea slams US for exacerbating tensions with ‘nuclear supremacy’
Reportsone year ago
Iran’s economic growth to surpass forecast for global economy average
The World Bank has predicted a 2.2% growth for Iran's economy in 2023.
Iran’s economic growth to surpass forecast for global economy average
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