Palestine25 days ago
A singer with Palestine keffiyeh: Eurovision contest kicks off with pro-Gaza protests
The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 kicks off in Sweden with pro-Palestine protests.
A singer with Palestine keffiyeh: Eurovision contest kicks off with pro-Gaza protests
Moreone month ago
Swedish youth gang kills father in front of son amid surge in violence
Mikael, 39, died after he was fatally shot in the head in a Stockholm suburb.
Swedish youth gang kills father in front of son amid surge in violence
Moreone month ago
Norway detains Qur'an blasphemer, plans to deport him to Sweden
A Sweden-based Iraqi refugee, who caused international outrage by repeatedly desecrating the Qur'an last year, has been apprehended in Norway and is set to be deported back to Sweden.
Norway detains Qur'an blasphemer, plans to deport him to Sweden
Politics2 months ago
Swedish police arrest Iranian prisoner’s son: Daughter
Sweden’s police reportedly arrest the son of an Iranian prisoner, who has been sentenced to life in prison based on complaints filed by anti-Iran figures.
Swedish police arrest Iranian prisoner’s son: Daughter
More2 months ago
Sweden says against permanent NATO bases in country
Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom was speaking with Turkish media.
Sweden says against permanent NATO bases in country
Politics2 months ago
Swedish court refuses to review case of Iranian prisoner Hamid Nouri
Sweden’s Supreme Court says a life sentence given to Hamid Nouri will stand.
Swedish court refuses to review case of Iranian prisoner Hamid Nouri
Viewpoint2 months ago
Sweden’s NATO membership US-engineered move to provoke Russia
The formalization of Sweden’s membership of the US-led NATO military alliance is an adventurous move engineered by the United States to provoke its arch-foe Russia.
Sweden’s NATO membership US-engineered move to provoke Russia
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