occupation forces
Palestine2 months ago
Israel admits 600 forces killed, over 3,190 injured in ongoing Gaza war
The Israeli military has admitted that 600 of its occupation forces have been killed since the onset of Operation al-Aqsa Storm in October last year.
Israel admits 600 forces killed, over 3,190 injured in ongoing Gaza war
ISRAEL WATCH6 months ago
Failure of occupation forces
This episode of the program looks at the failure of Israel in defeating the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.
Failure of occupation forces
IN-DEPTH9 months ago
The Anglo Soviet invasion of Iran
Britain and the Soviet Union invaded Iran in 1941 to secure unfettered access both to Iranian oil fields and the Persian corridor, a supply line from the Persian Gulf via Iran to the Soviet Union, which was under unrelenting attack by Nazi Germany.
The Anglo Soviet invasion of Iran
Syria10 months ago
Syria’s Assad says will not meet Erdogan, insists on Turkish troops withdrawal
Syria's Assad rules out the possibility of a meeting with Erdogan, insisting on the withdrawal of Turkish occupation forces from his country.
Syria’s Assad says will not meet Erdogan, insists on Turkish troops withdrawal
Syriaone year ago
Syria: Expelling US occupation forces not out of reach
Syria says expelling the US occupation forces from the country's soil is not out of reach.
Syria: Expelling US occupation forces not out of reach
Palestineone year ago
Israeli crimes in Jenin: Palestinian doctor dies of injuries sustained in raid
A Palestinian doctor succumbs to the wounds sustained during an attack by Israeli forces.
Israeli crimes in Jenin: Palestinian doctor dies of injuries sustained in raid
Syriaone year ago
US sneaks 156-vehicle convoy out of its illegal Syria base
US occupation forces in Syria sneak out nearly 160 heavy vehicles from its illegal military base in the city of Hasaka, taking them into northern Iraq.
US sneaks 156-vehicle convoy out of its illegal Syria base
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