UN Human Rights Council
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
Israeli ground incursion in Gaza despite global opposition
The Israeli war on Gaza continues to kill civilians at an alarming rate, including children and women. The tide continues turn against Israel, from the ongoing protests against Israel and in support of Palestine, to officials lending their voice in Europe.
Israeli ground incursion in Gaza despite global opposition
Persian Gulf8 months ago
Renowned Bahraini activist detained at UK airport after UN address
British officials have arrested a prominent rights activist as he returned to the United Kingdom from addressing the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva about the Al Khalifah regime’s human rights abuses.
Renowned Bahraini activist detained at UK airport after UN address
Politics10 months ago
Iran warns Sweden of 'dire consequences' over Qur'an desecration
Iran’s foreign minister has warned Sweden of “decisive decisions” by Muslim countries in case the situation is not handled.
Iran warns Sweden of 'dire consequences' over Qur'an desecration
Politicsone year ago
Terrorists opened fire on civilians to implicate government in killings: Iran MP
An Iranian lawmaker says West-backed terrorists shot people with warm weapons during recent riots in the country to implicate the government in the killings.
Terrorists opened fire on civilians to implicate government in killings: Iran MP
Politicsone year ago
'Iran will not cooperate with UN politicized fact-finding mission, has its own committee'
The spokesman of Iran’s Foreign Ministry says Tehran won’t cooperate at all with the so-called fact-finding mission created following a UN Human Rights Council resolution against the country.
'Iran will not cooperate with UN politicized fact-finding mission, has its own committee'
Politicsone year ago
Iran summons German ambassador over UN Human Rights Council resolution
Iran's Foreign Ministry summons Germany's ambassador, Hans-Udo Muzel, after the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution against the Islamic Republic.
Iran summons German ambassador over UN Human Rights Council resolution
Russiaone year ago
UN: Footage of execution of surrendered Russian soldiers likely 'authentic'
UN says a video circulating on social media showing Ukrainian soldiers executing Russian prisoners of war appears to be “authentic”.
UN: Footage of execution of surrendered Russian soldiers likely 'authentic'
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