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Iran Leader remarks 

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has criticized Western countries for their colonial pursuit despite claiming to be liberal democracies. Ayatollah Khamenei called those democracies a big lie. He said that Western states are opposed to freedom-seeking and any democracy which is independent of the global arrogance. He said that a clear example of such a policy is Ukraine where civilians are being killed, because Western arms manufacturers seek their benefits from the continuation of war. Elsewhere in his remarks, Iran’s Leader said the US pursues evil acts as it confronts other nations in all fields. He said that, today, the West is vulnerable more than ever. Ayatollah Khamenei also noted that the steadfastness of the Iranian nation and the Islamic establishment against what he called the Western front, is in fact, a cultural and global fight. 

Iran-Africa diplomacy

Iran’s President has received an official welcome from his Ugandan counterpart after arriving in the country on the second leg of his African tour. The national anthems of Iran and Uganda rang out outside the presidential palace in Kampala. Ebrahim Raeisi and Yoweri Museveni also saluted the guard of honor in the official ceremony. The two heads of state are now holding talks. The first destination of Raeisi’s tour was Kenya. In the capital Nairobi, Iran’s president and his Kenyan counterpart highlighted the importance of boosting bilateral cooperation.

Quran desecration condemned 

The UN Human Rights Council has passed a resolution condemning the desecration of the Muslim holy book of Qur'an and all other manifestations of religious hatred. The resolution, introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, also urges states to adopt laws to prevent and prosecute acts of religious hatred. It was overwhelmingly approved, but was not backed by the US, Britain and the European Union countries. Pakistan slammed those countries’ stance as regrettable, saying it sends a message to the world that their commitment to prevent religious hatred is merely a lip service. The vote comes as a man desecrated a copy of the holy book outside a mosque in the Swedish capital after receiving a permit from the country’s authorities. The sacrilegious act triggered a backlash across the Muslim world.

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